This repository contains data for "Studying memory processes at different levels with simultaneous depth and surface EEG recordings", submitted to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2023. Each folder contains subject data. The folders are named SEEGXX, where XX is the subject ID in Table 1 of the paper. Subject's folders cotain: - EEGLab epoched data for scalp (SEEGXX.set, SEEGXX.fdt) and intracranial (SEEGXXIntracranial.set, SEEGXXIntracranial.fdt) recordings - An excel workbook "SEEGXXChannelData.xlsx" containing two woksheets: - SEEGContacts - containing MRI/MNI coordinates, structure label and epileptogenicity of implanted channels - BipolarChannels - containing coordinates and structure labels of signals that have been recorded - An excel workbook "SEEGXXTaskPerf.xls" containing correctness of patient responses and response time for all the trials in the memory task - Raw data in AnyWave ADES format, organized in subfolders for each of the seven blocks containing 36-trials. The top folder contains a conversion table ("ElectrodeLabelsLookupTable.txt") from scalp non-starndard channel naming in some recordings to the standard nomenclature.